21 Abundance Affirmation

21 Abundance Affirmation

November 14, 20242 min read

Declare that 2021 is YOUR YEAR!!!

Here area 21 affirmations to get you high and open for great things to come into your life. It’s about opening our minds and hearts to the possibilities. Practicing affirmations is a good way to start that.

  1. What I want wants me

  2. When I love myself, abundance flows to me naturally.

  3. I acknowledge the ABUNDANCE that I have now.

  4. I am stepping into the most successful decade of my life.

  5. I release all financial blockages and anything standing in the way of financial freedom.

  6. I am WORTHY of all my desires.

  7. I am open, open, open to receive, receive, receive.

  8. I welcome and receive massive joy and massive love in my life right now.

  9. I am creating space for better things to come into my life by letting go of people, things, habits that no longer serve my highest good. I declare FREEDOM.

  10. I am at PEACE and everything is falling into place. Yes yes yes IT IS.

  11. I am ready for CHANGE. I am ready for better things. I am ready for my BEST life.

  12. I am RICH in all areas of my life.

  13. I attract abundance and prosperity with ease.

  14. I am healing more and more every day.

  15. I am grateful for all the love in my life. Love finds me everywhere I go.

  16. It is safe for me to DREAM BIG and ACT on those dreams.

  17. I am excited about the unknown and I attract the right opportunities my way.

  18. I am directly connected to the abundance of the universe.

  19. My health, my relationships, my finances are improving at a rapid rate. I am Abundant through and through.

  20. My success is inevitable. I believe in myself. I am becoming the best version of myself.

  21. I live in abundance every day of my life.

You got this!!! Supporting you all the way!

Much love,


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